Monday, September 12, 2011

The Stache
The beard is 4 weeks old today. More updates will follow. Branden Tussing

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lingering Thoughts As "Go Time" Approaches

As the end of the pregnancy nears, anxiety about what that really means begins to set in. Soon we will have a little boy and the ship that is the rest of our life will set sail. We are most defiantly ready to get this voyage started. I am so lucky to have Jill to go through this craziness with.
The fun begins tonight (sunday) at 8pm. It will start with the doctors giving Jill some crazy meds that I can't pronounce or spell to "ripen her cervix." Monday morning they will begin the induction process. Then the pushing, screaming and the horror movie that is child birth begins.

Aside from being scared, excited, and all of the other generic feelings new dads feel I have decided to conduct an experiment. The year of the beard. I plan to start growing a beard monday afternoon when Mica is born and continue growing it until his first birthday. I want to see if there are any similarities between the growing and maturing process of a baby and a beard... they both start with the letter B and a small amount of hair. I think that is enough of a similarity to form the hypothesis that babies and beards must have something in common.

I will see all of you on the other side when our wolf pack grows by one.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The end is near!

The end of pregnancy, that is. Don't worry!
We're 15 days away from our due date (who's counting?) and feeling pretty confident about our preparations. I'm sure all that confidence will go out the window once we realize it's "go-time," but hey, we can enjoy it for now!

Today, Branden and I went to Yellow Springs {Check it out! } with Brianna and Troy. It was so much fun! We toured all of the little shops in the area and had lunch at a little tavern in town (which I totally forget the name of already...). We also ran into Dave Chapelle, which is a common occurance in Yellow Springs, but still very cool. We've all decided that we would be totally happy living the simple, hippie life in Yellow Springs =).

I've been thinking a lot lately about what un-pregnant life will be like. After all, it's been a pretty long time since I've gotten to experience it! I know there are a lot of things I'm looking forward to, and a lot of things that will be difficult. Just for fun, let's measure up:

Things I'm looking forward to
1. Sleeping on my stomach
2. Not running into everything
3. Not being pitied, or at least the
center of attention
4. Weighing a whole lot less (hopefully!)
5. Watching my baby grow up
6. Having a little Branden to laugh at
7. Not getting up 5 times a night...

Things I'm going to miss
1. Being able to go to sleep in minutes
2. Having an excuse for running into everything
3. Not being the center of attention =)
4. Having an excuse to eat so much ice cream
5. Knowing my wild baby has nowhere to escape!
6. Having only 1 Branden to take care of (AGHHH
7. Wait. Scratch that. That won't change. I'll get up 5 times a night anyway.

I could probably go on for a while, but I guess what I'm trying to say is life is about to get really hectic and really magical. I can't wait to hold my son, and see what he looks like, and hear what he sounds like, and watch him experience the world from the very beginning. Yeah, it'll be tough. I understand. But I know we can do it. For now, we're just counting down the days.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Mini Me... You Complete Me.

I have an exciting update for you guys!
Are you ready!?!?
Here we go...

So the first time we went to get a 3d ultrasound at Ultrasona (in Columbus) our baby wasn't really cooperating. He covered his little face with his little hands =(. Fortunately, Ultrasona will schedule another free appointment when this happens, so ours was last friday. It was a success this time!

Any of you who know Branden know he has some pretty dominant facial features (i.e. big lips, chubby cheeks, wide nose...) Note* This isn't me making fun of him, I think he's very handsome, as a matter of fact! And of course I don't have the thinnest of cheeks either. I've been mistaken for a squirrel on several occasions, it's no big deal.

Can you imagine our surprise/excitement/amazement when we saw firsthand that our son looks like this:

The many emotions of "Lucas?" Number 2 is my favorite, even though the poor little guy isn't happy. He's squished! Number 3 is angry baby (I would be too, if someone kept poking me!) and Number 4 kinda of looks like he's so mad, he's giving us the finger! Do you see it? What a little punk.

So basically it's Branden 2.0!! Isn't it amazing how much they look alike?
For reference, here's a baby picture of Mr. Tussing himself:

Technology is awesome.

Love, Jill